All Things Fall Series Episode 3


Mental Health and Other Fun Stuff

*this is a pumpkin I carved myself. Kinda love it not going to lie
Again, welcome back! Today's going to be a rough one, but it's something I need to share. Mental health is super important to me, especially now that the season's getting colder and more dreary. I know I struggle sometimes, just in my own head a lot, and I think other people do do. I'm going to share what I struggle with and a few tips to help overcome.

My Struggles

I guess you could say I'm a worrier. I always wonder about what could go wrong, or what if I said the wrong thing.What if they don't like me back, What if it was too much, etc. I find it really hard ask people for money that I don't feel like I actually need, for example. It hasn't really helped my life that much. It just makes me nervous all the time; its not a good mindset to have. We shouldn't have to worry about what cold go wrong. We should think about what good things might happen. Here are some tips that might help you out.

1. Differentiate Between the Things You Can and Cannot ix. 
For example, once you take a test, you can't go back and somehow change your answers. So in this case, all worrying will do will make you more upset. Know that whatever happens happens. Look forward, not back.

2. Write Down Your Thoughts
Having a diary or even a thought journal can help your anxiety. It can be a good way to record thoughts to talk to a therapist about. If you don't want to see a therapist, you can write them down anyways, just to get a perspective on what's going on with you. 

3. Be Kind to Yourself 
You need to make sure you're not too hard on yourself.  Worrying if what you did was good enough lowers your self-esteem. I want you to know that you're worth it.


I also have a problem comparing myself to others. How can she look so good but I don't and I want to be like her are some of the phrases in my head. I know it's not good for me, so here are tips on how I work n that.

1. You're Not Them
I try to tell myself that I'm me, no one else is me, and I'm no one else. I have strengths and weaknesses that are vastly different than my friends' strengths and weaknesses, and that's ok. 

2. Finding Your Voice
Sometimes I wonder if I belong. I actively try to seek out opportunities to find my place in the world. If all that is is just living life to the fullest, I have to learn to be fine with that. All I know is that I want to enjoy my short life on Earth.

I know there are many other struggles people might face and that I face on a daily basis, but these are just my main struggles. Let me know if you want me to post another blog about specific things you have a hard time with or you want to talk privately about anything. I want you to remember to love yourself after reading this blog.

I look forward to my next blog, that's right it's pumpkin recipes time. 

Contact Me 

My instagram- @abailyvibes

Love Always,


  1. Always remember that God made each of us to be individuals with our own talents. We can each use these gifts to help improve our world. No one person's gifts are better or more important than any others' gifts. We all question our value at times but imagine if we were all the same. We would be missing so many joys that come from every person's individual gifts. You are a very special person with a keen eye for helping others. Thank you for sharing your heart. (Gma)


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