All Things Fall Part I: What is this?

 All Things Fall Series

Welcome or welcome back! I am going to be writing a new series called "All Things Fall." It's mostly going to be about everything fall-themed, especially pumpkin-flavored things. I am going to post on my blog Instagram (linked down below) about when my new posts will be up. I hope you like it and let's get into Fall!

It All Happened So Fast

I feel like I've been so focused on the pandemic that I forgot it was October already. That also means it's already been a whole month of my high-school year that has gone by. Crazy. I feel like it went from 75 and sunny to 50 and freezing in a span of a few days. Hello, winter jacket.

On the subject of school, we are really getting into a routine doing a hybrid approach to school. We have Google Meets that we have to join during each of our periods, or we're marked absent. Some of my friends have reported that they have gotten marked absent for not joining the google meet. I'm just glad I haven't yet.

A few tips while studying from home:
1. Don't procrastinate, it never works out. I know this from experience, your grades suffers when you wait until last minute to turn stuff in. Sometime you even forget to submit assignments that way. 

2. Use a planner. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something that you can keep reminders on and track your work.

3. Stay on top of things. I know it can be easy to get sidetracked, but staying focused is good. Once you dig yourself into a hole of missing schoolwork, it's hard to get out again.

Fall Activity Recommendations

There's a limited number of things we can do during Covid-19. However, that doesn't mean we have to just sit at home all day. For example, we can still eat out. I suggest picking your favorite restaurant and taking the food to a park to eat. Not only is it nice outside, it's a safer way to spend time with the people you love. I plan on uploading a whole post dedicated to more activities so stay tuned for that. 

Parks are just great. I just went to a park to take a morning hike with friends, and it was so much fun, If you aren't comfortable being around other, that's fine too. A quiet walk by yourself can really help to clear your mind.

As far as restaurants go, here are a few of my favorites here in the United States. First of all, Panera Bread is always a good option. They have a new Vegetarian Autumn Squash Soup that is delicious. Cracker Barrel and Bob Evans have also rolled out some turkey meals as well. 

A Final Note

Since a few days ago was Mental Health Awareness Day, I just wanted to put something out there. I know it tough to get sad as the temperature drops and it starts to get more grey outside, but we can still enjoy the beauty of fall. Just look at all of the gorgeous trees changing colors. 

Finally, have you checked in with your old friends recently. I'm sure they would love to chat with you. It's important to make sure people are okay every so often. It can make their day to get a text or phone call from a friend.

Contact Information

If you like this and want more, be sure to follow me on Instagram, which is where I'll always post what time new blog posts are coming.
Instagram- ABDailyvibes

Love always,
Annabelle Bunce


  1. Annabelle, you offered some great advice in this blog! (Gma)


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